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 Tata Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj

and Elisabeth Araujo

at a shaman gathering in Holland (Sept. 2013)

Event by Chris Den Daas and Jos Kester

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, Wandering Wolf, usually called Tata, the guide of the Mayan Council of Elders and former Mayan representative in the Guatemalan government, visited Holland together with his companion Grandmother Elisabeth Araujo from September 24 to 27, 2013. The visit took place on the occasion of a shaman meeting in Epe, in the Centrum Oostraven, in Holland. They were joined at the meeting by Hopi shaman Ruben Saufki and Chilean Mapuche shaman Carola Angelica Esparza Calderon. They were invited by the Dutch shaman Jos Kester. All three groups, Tata and Elisabet, Ruben with his son, and Carola, each had a day to themselves to share their knowledge and perform ceremonies with us participants.

Tata's presence and his fire ceremony were the highlight of the shaman meeting. As he was already well into his 80s, he hardly ever traveled overseas, so we participants saw his visit as a very special gift.

On this occasion, the movie SHIFT OF THE AGES was shown in his presence.

Video 1

Tata (Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj) and Grandmother Elisabeth preparing for making the altar for the fire-ceremony.

 Video 2

Tata draws with sugar the circle with the four directions and the center as a basis of the altar. Grandmother Elisabeth lays out the different offerings which will adjunct the altar.

 Video 3

Tata sets the first offerings while Grandmother Elisabeth places a cloth, on which the audience may put some personal items they want to get blessed. These items will stay there until the ceremony is over.

 Video 4

While Tata lays out the candles in the colors of the four directions (white = north / yellow = south / red = east / black = west) and of the center (blue = heart of the heaven / green = heart of the earth), Elisabeth explains the basic glyph of the circle with the lines. In the meanwhile the lines of the four directions have got completed with arrows which symbolize the four prophets, who once came as teachers from the Pleyades to the Maya.

 Video 5

 Video 6

tabacco and seeds get added.

 Video 7

the following lightening of the fire was not allowed to film.

und noch ein paar Fotos vom Treffen:


Videos und Fotos von Susi Lötscher

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