Kenneth Johnson
- Kenneth Johnson holds a B.A. in Comparative Religions from California State University Fullerton. He received his Master of Arts in Eastern Studies (with a focus in Classical Sanskrit) from St. John's College, Santa Fe. He is a writer and astrologer and the author of numerous books and journal articles, including the well-known Mythic Astrology Series (with Arielle Guttman) and Mansions of the Moon: the Lost Zodiac of the Goddess.
His works on the Maya include:
- Jaguar Wisdom. An Introduction to the Mayan Calendar
- Mayan Calendar Astrology. Mapping Your Inner Cosmos
- Jaguar Medicine. An Introduction to Mayan Healing Traditions (with Anita Garr),
- The Mayan Prophecies. The Renewal of the World 2012-2072, etc.
- Ken was initiated as an aj q’ij (daykeeper) in November of 2017. In addition to his work with Mayan astrology, he also practices divination with the tz’ite seeds and Mayan dream interpretation. / fb: Jaguar Wisdom
Ken with Victoria Quiej and Lidia Itzep in Momostenango, excersising divination with tz’ite seeds
With our teacher Nan Victoria Quiej from Momostenango, during Ken's initiation
“Madrina” (assistant) Virginia Itzep ties Ken’s ceremonial head scarf
left and right: our ceremonies at the altar of mother earth
Susi Lötscher
- Born in 1956 in Basel (Switzerland), on 6 Tijax (Etznab)
- connected with Native American cultures and relationship to spirituality.
- From 1976 studied ethnology, comparative religion and prehistory.
- 1983 graduated as an ethnologist with Lic. Phil. I
- 1984 encounter with the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner.
- 16 years activity at two anthroposophical institutions in Dornach near Basel. − In addition, private Mayan studies.
- From 1993 various trips to Tibet, Nepal, India and China; political activism for Tibet.
- 2007 Five-week journey through the Mayan land and encounter with the Cholq'ij / Tzolk'in calendar as a way of life.
- Visits to various Mayan calendar seminars and lectures with many personal contacts.
- Practitioner of Mayan astrology at the Lebenskraft fair in Zurich.
- 2010 further travel in Guatemala with Mayan elders, including day-keeper Elisabeth Araujo.
- 2011 ten-day get-together with Mayan elders and daykeepers in Switzerland.
- 2013 Meeting with Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj in Holland.
- 2015 third trip with Mayan elders and daykeepers in Guatemala with instructions in the Cholq'ij / Tzolk'in calendar.
- From 2010-2017 further practice of Mayan astroloy.
- In 2017 Initiated as an aj q'ij (daykeeper) in Momostenango by Nan Victoria Quiej, a curandera and aj q'ij from Momostenango. / fb: Susi Apso
Nana Elisabeth Araujo interprets Susi's horoscope
with Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj
one of my five ceremonies - on sacred hill Paklom
at another altar